Monroe County Public Library
Books, Videos, Magazines, and Audiobooks.
Patrons may borrow up to 12 books, magazines, videos and/or books on tape at one time. This will be limited to six books, magazines, videos and/or books on tape until a patron has established a good record of returning books. A patron may request an extension. Books may be borrowed for a three-week period.
Get online access to audio books and eBooks using your library card and PIN number at https://wvreads.overdrive.com/
Magazines may be borrowed for a three-week period, after the period in which they are current.
Interlibrary Loans
The Monroe County Public Library participates in an Interlibrary Loan service in order to obtain materials not available in our collection. This service depends on the generosity of public and academic libraries across the state. For security reasons interlibrary loan materials must be signed out from the front desk.
In order to receive this privilege the borrower agrees to:
1. Accept responsibility for materials between signing out and signing in. This includes cost of damage to or loss of borrowed item.
2. Return the materials by the date due marked on the interlibrary loan slip. Not returning materials to the lending library on time may jeopardize our ability to continue receiving interlibrary loan services from that library. Please make every effort to return this material by the due date.
Photocopies charges are 25 cents per single copy and 40 cents for double side.
Fax transmittal charges are $1.00 in or out going Fax reception charges are 1.00 dollar a page. A five minute time limit shall be imposed on Fax machine usage.
Computer Access
The Monroe County Public Library offers free computer access. This includes word processing, spreadsheets, children's educational programs, and Internet access.
Electronic Access of Internet and Computer Use:
A. The Internet and its available resources contain a variety of material and opinions from varied points of view. In offering Internet access, Library staff cannot control access points, which often change rapidly and unpredictably. Users are hereby notified that they are responsible for the access points they may reach.
B. Internet users shall not receive or transmit materials which may reasonably be construed as obscene or in violation or harmful to minors.
C. In no event shall the Monroe County Public Library have any liability for lost profits or for indirect special, punitive or consequential damages or any liability to any third party, even if the Library is advised of the possibility of such damages.
D. All uses of the Library's electronic resources, including access to the Internet, shall be at the user's own risk. In no event shall the Monroe County Public Library be responsible for any claims, losses, damages, obligations or liabilities, directly or indirectly relating to the Monroe County Public Library's electronic resources and/or the Internet, or caused thereby or arising there from.
E. Minor Children
1. Minor children shall be defined as any person under the age of 18 years.
2. Minor children must have written permission from a parent/guardian before using the Internet.
3. Minor children under the age of 12 years must have a parent/guardian present while accessing the Internet.
4. In no event shall the Monroe County Public Library have any liability for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its Internet or World Wide Web server by a minor child.
5. Selection policies which serve to govern the Monroe County Public Library's purchase of written materials shall not apply to material accessed electronically by a minor child. The Library places this responsibility with the parent or guardian.
F. Prohibited Uses:
1. Internet computers are the property of the Monroe County Public Library and are to be used for Internet access only. Patrons shall not use personal software and/or alter or attach equipment to the hardware.
2. Patrons and staff may not use the workstation in the following situations: Illegal, unauthorized, unethical or commercial purposes.
3. Manipulation of internal hardware and/or software including uploading of any software.
4. Transmission or downloading of any material in violation of state or federal laws including the following: sending, receiving or displaying text which may reasonably be construed as obscene or copying or downloading of any material in violation of copyright law (downloading of software and files not in the public domain is a violation of copyright law and is expressly prohibited).
A West Virginia Statewide Borrower's card or a Monroe County Public Library card shall be required.
Access shall be during regular Library hours, with the exception of the first and last 30 (thirty) minutes that the Library is in operation.
Users must sign in at the circulation desk and must sign the "Electronic Resources Access Agreement" prior to use.
A maximum of two (2) persons may be allowed to work at a station at a time. Access time shall not be doubled.
Users shall not download files.
Access time shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes per patron and shall be on a first-come, first-served basis. However, time shall be allowed past the thirty-minute limit if no one is waiting. This is not authorization for another thirty minutes, but merely an "extension."
Access by the Library Director or Library staff supersedes patron use and shall not be counted against patron time.
The Monroe County Public Library shall not offer e-mail accounts to patrons. Patrons may, however, access their private e-mail accounts.
The Monroe County Public Library staff may help with Internet and/or computer training if time permits. Supplementary instruction shall be provided through the use of a simple manual or instruction sheet.
No fees shall be assessed for Internet use.
Printing fees shall be 25 cents per page and must be completed within the user's 30-minute time allotment.
Meeting Room
A. The Library is not liable for injuries to people, damage to their property or loss of property belonging to individuals or groups using the meeting rooms.
B. The group shall assume responsibility for any accidents or damage to persons or property.
C. The name, address or telephone number of the Library may NOT be used as the contact address or headquarters of an organization and neither shall a non-library group imply Library sponsorship of a group's activity unless the activity is being co-sponsored by the Library. The group may not transfer the use of rooms to other groups.
D. "No Smoking" and "No Alcoholic Beverages" rules apply.
E. One person, 18 years or older, shall be designated as the responsible party.
Shall be responsible for the opening and closing of the building and make at least one visit to the Library during operating hours to become familiar with operations.
Shall be responsible for restoring the area to its original condition (i.e., removing trash, stacking chairs and tables).
F. Organizations must make application for Library use at least one week before the scheduled event and, if possible, notify the Library 48 hours in advance if the event is canceled.
G. A fee of $35.00 shall be charged per use.
Adult Ed. and Literacy Tutoring
Classes in basic computer, HSE Diploma, and literacy tutoring are offered free of charge at the library.
HSE Diploma preparation is offered on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Literacy tutoring is scheduled to the needs of the student and their tutor. Students must pre-register for these classes.
Photo of Moncove Lake courtesy of West Virginia Department of Commerce.
Address: 695 Moncove Lake Access Rd, Gap Mills, WV 24941.
Telephone: 304-772-3450